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Jelly is an open project – you are welcome to submit issues, pull requests, or just ask questions.

Contributing to the Jelly specification

The Jelly Protocol Buffers and gRPC definitions are in the jelly-protobuf repository. If you want to contribute to the specification, it is strongly recommended that you first open an issue there to discuss your idea.

The specification documents are edited in the same way as other documentation pages. See the next section for details.

Editing documentation

The documentation is written in Markdown and built using MkDocs, using Material for MkDocs.

To edit a documentation page, simply click the button in the top-right of the page:

Edit this page

It will take you to GitHub, where you can edit the Markdown file and submit a pull request. You can also clone the repository and edit the files locally. The source files are in the docs directory.

Note: the file is automatically generated from the Jelly Protocol Buffers definitions. Do not edit it directly.


The documentation makes use of several macros for generating links, displaying the software version, etc. The macros are used in the Markdown files like this:

**Version**: {{ proto_version() }}

Which yields:

Version: 1.0.1

The list of available macros can be found in the file in the root of the repository.

Local testing of the website

Install the project's dependencies from requirements.txt (preferably in a virtual environment). Then, run mkdocs serve to compile the docs and serve them locally for testing.

# Create a virtual environment – use your preferred tool here
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run the local server
mkdocs serve

Making a Jelly protocol release

Jelly protocol releases are handled from the jelly-protobuf repository. To make a new tagged release, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the jelly-protobuf repository.
  2. Make sure you are on the main branch and that it is up-to-date: git checkout main && git pull
  3. Create a new tag for the release. For example, for version 1.2.3: git tag v1.2.3
  4. Push the tag to GitHub: git push origin v1.2.3

The CI/CD pipeline will automatically pick up the new tag and make a tagged release of the documentation, including the protocol specification. The spec pages use macros to display the current version, so they will be updated automatically.

After a new protocol release, you should also update the implementations to use it.

Further reading

Editing Jelly-JVM documentation

Use the exact same process as for the website documentation. The Jelly-JVM documentation sources are in the jelly-jvm repository, docs/docs directory.

Contributing to Jelly implementations


See also