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Apache Jena CLI tools

Jelly-JVM fully supports Apache Jena's command-line interface (CLI) utilities.


Jena will automatically detect Jelly files based on their extension (.jelly, .jelly.gz) and parse them. You can also manually set the --syntax option to jelly.


You can use Jelly as an output format for Jena's CLI utilities by specifying the --output or --stream options with the jelly format. We recommend using the --stream option for better performance.

Example: converting a Turtle file to Jelly

./riot --stream=jelly data.ttl > data.jelly

By default Jena will use the "small, all features" Jelly preset (name table: 128 entries, prefix table: 16, datatype table: 16, RDF-star enabled, generalized RDF enabled). There are a few reasons why you might want to change these serialization options:

  • Performance – for larger files, the small preset does not offer the best performance or compression ratio. It's better to use larger lookup tables.
  • Compatibility – if your data does not include RDF-star or generalized RDF, you can mark these features as disabled. Later, parsers will know accurately what to expect in your data.

The following presets are available:

  • Small: 128 name table entries, 16 prefix table entries, 16 datatype table entries
    • SMALL_STRICT – RDF-star and generalized RDF disabled
    • SMALL_GENERALIZED – RDF-star disabled, generalized RDF enabled
    • SMALL_RDF_STAR – RDF-star enabled, generalized RDF disabled
    • SMALL_ALL_FEATURES – RDF-star and generalized RDF enabled (default)
  • Big: 4000 name table entries, 150 prefix table entries, 32 datatype table entries (recommended for larger files)

To use one of these presets, use the --set CLI option with the symbol:

Example: converting a Turtle file to Jelly with a big preset (strict)

./riot --stream=jelly \
    --set="" \
    data.ttl > data.jelly

Example: dumping a TDB2 database to Jelly with a big preset (all features)

./tdb2.tdbdump --tdb=path/to/assembler.ttl \
    --set="" \
    --stream=jelly > mydb.jelly

See also